Spring Break will be here before you know it, and we’d love to have you join us on one of our New Life Church Spring Break Trips! Spring Break is a great chance to spend a whole week connecting with old friends, making new friends, spending time with God, and experiencing fun & refreshment away from your normal routine.

Spring Break 2024

Our spring break trips are typically by New Life Regions, and we may go to a variety of locations, whether it's the mountains for opportunities to hike, or to a beach house to relax in the sun. Wherever we go, we seek to spend the week growing in community and engaging with God together. 

This year, the cost of the mountain trips are $375, while the beach trip is $400 (but there are also scholarships available - more info below). As the spring break nears, you'll hear more details from your trip leaders. However, you can know ahead of time that we will take care of logistics, including cars & rides.

Trip Contact Info

If you have specific questions about your Region's trip, you can contact these people:

Hill Central Region

  • Trip Contact: Jack Duiven – 616.450.4924

North Campus Region

  • Trip Contact: Chandler Barense - 616.928.8589

SouthWest Region

  • Trip Contact: Gaia Stanley – 616.291.9212

Palmer Crew Region 

  • Trip Contact: Matt Jo - 224.388.1858


*Don't know what Region you are a part of? No need to worry. You can email events@nlcweb.org and we will help you figure it out!

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Registration is now closed

Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions.

We don’t want finances to be a barrier for anyone who wants to come on Spring Break. If the cost feels like a barrier to you joining, we’d love for you to apply for a scholarship! We give a wide range of scholarships based on personal need, and you can reach out to scholarships@newlifea2.org if you are in need of one.

The trip leaders will arrange cars and carpools, and we will travel there and back together (no need to figure this out on your own!). Typically, we leave early Saturday morning at the beginning of spring break, and then return late Saturday evening at the end of break.

Your trip leaders will share a recommended packing list as spring break gets closer!

The exact schedule for each trip will be different, and your trip leaders will share that with you at some point. You can expect a mix of structured times for things like teachings, small groups, etc., as well as a good amount of free time.

If you have additional questions, feel free to connect with the staff for your region. They will be planning the individual trips. If you don't know what region you are a part of, or if you have questions about trip registration, you can email events@nlcweb.org