Mission Weeks is a semi-annual opportunity to reflect on living a lifestyle of mission, individually and collectively, and we hope that by participating in Mission Weeks, each person at New Life is able to answer the question, “How are you living sent?"

It is less of an event to attend and more of a focused season of prayer, thought, and reflection. Each Sunday service during these weeks will feature content with an emphasis on living a lifestyle of mission. In addition, each Home Group will include practical equipping on how to live this out in your life. You can also go deeper by exploring some of the additional resources listed below, including a podcast series created by people here at New Life!

Lastly, you can participate by seeking the Lord in your personal times of prayer, Scripture, and reflection about what he is calling you to in your own lifestyle of mission. We are excited to see how God leads us to the lost in our city, on our campus, and in our lives through Mission Weeks!

Living Sent Podcast

The Living Sent Equipping Podcast can be found in the New Life Church podcast feed. The original podcast is 6 episodes, walking through what it can look like to Live Sent in our daily lives. The 7th episode, released during August Mission Weeks 2023, is about attitudes and practices of engaging the lost in our daily lives.

Here are the links, depending on which platform you use: 

Living Sent Podcast - Apple Podcasts

Living Sent Podcast - Spotify

Living Sent Podcast - Google Podcasts

Additional Resources
Recommended Reading

Here are a list of books recommended by our Mission Weeks team for those who want to engage further with living sent: