Hello Church,

I hope you are enjoying the wonderful weather of summer and all that goes with that—I know I am.

In this week’s worship service we looked at Hosea chapters 6 and 7. In preparing for that talk, I have reflected quite a bit on “acknowledging God."  In verse 6 of chapter 6, Hosea says God values acknowledging Him more than sacrifices to Him. This has really stuck out to me.  

Often I can get caught in a cycle of making sure I’m doing enough “good” for God and miss out on where my heart is devoted. Hosea was addressing a nation whose hearts were devoted to idols, and in the sermon series we are in, we are considering how idols appear in our lives.  

As I’ve looked at my own life and where idolatry may be present, I have been returning to that thought about where I find my heart devoted. At times it can be on the “work” I’m doing and not the direction of my worship. This has been convicting and provides opportunities to experience God’s infinite mercy.

I’m grateful for Jesus’ work that made a way for me to be in right relationship with God,

Graig Austin, On Behalf of the Elder and Minister Team