Dear New Life Church,

This is a season where most of us are experiencing change of some kind. Some changes delight us, but others bring uncertainty, anxiety or fear.

As we step into a new season, let's remember two things. We have a God who invites us to ask Him for whatever we need (Matthew 7:7-8), and we have a God who delights to give us good gifts (James 1:17)!

As I was reading the Lord's prayer, I was struck with the request, "give us this day our daily bread." Even though God wants me to ask Him for daily bread every day, I usually wake up thinking about how to earn it. Why don't I simply ask Him to provide what He's already promised to give?

Chances are good that with your upcoming changes, you have new needs as well. Don't be afraid to ask God for help, because He longs to give it and He's got storehouses of good gifts to draw from.

Joel VanderSchel, on Behalf of the Elder and Minister Team