Hello Church Family,

I have heard (and personally experienced) that our sermon series on Joshua and courage has really connected with people. Considering our anxiety-inducing times and that following Jesus wholeheartedly requires a lot of courage, this makes sense to me. It takes courage to choose day in and day out to love God and to love others sacrificially. It takes courage to choose to persevere and keep choosing the way of Jesus when we’re suffering, or feeling alone, or incredibly busy. It took courage for many of you to take a weekend and give it to Jesus and go on the fall retreat. Well done. God was moving powerfully all weekend long!

A huge thank you to all of you who served at the retreat and helped to make it awesome, and to all of you who have been praying for and who gave to scholarships for the fall retreat! Our city retreat is coming up mid-November and it will take courage to make the time for that as well, but I believe it will be well worth it.

You can sign up here, and though the deadline is not for about a month, would you consider signing up sooner rather than later? That will help tremendously with planning and making sure we have the adequate amount of childcare volunteers as well. Also, we have scholarships available for the city retreat, so please don’t let finances be a barrier to attending (you can email me at nik@newlifea2.org to request a scholarship). Let us continue to be people of courage in small and big ways through the many ups and downs of life!

Nik Spasovski, on Behalf of the Elder and Minister Team