Hello Church,

I trust, in all the busyness that the holiday season brings, you have been able to find space to take a breath and marvel at the fact that Jesus came to live among humans. This isn’t the easiest thing to do and it has made a difference for me when I can do this.

At the Christmas Concert this past Sunday evening, I had a moment of reflection I didn’t expect. I’m not a musical person, but it appeared that a lot of impressive “music things” were on display. One thing that amazed me was the song that, essentially, ran down the entire genealogy of Jesus… in a song!?! While Josiah being able to pronounce all those names, while singing, was astounding… what struck me was God’s faithfulness on display in that list of all those names, over hundreds and hundreds of years. It was more than just a bunch of names; these were real people. These were real people that God orchestrated to set the stage to have His Son come, live among humans, and ultimately make a way for people to be in relationship with God. This struck me, and while I was impressed with the song, I moved past that to worship. To worship of a God who is faithful, and to worship a God that cares about me enough to orchestrate history, making a way that I could be in His very presence. Amazing…

The holiday season can be fun, overwhelming, and our hope is that it will be worshipful as well,

Graig Austin, on Behalf of the Elder and Minister Team