Dear New Life Church,
As we wrap up our Mission Weeks and our Nudge teaching series (yesterday), I wonder how God intends to get our attention as individuals and as a church community in the coming days. I don't know about you, but I'm perceiving a lot of fear, depression, fatigue, illness, anger and uncertainty in my relational circles right now. If I'm feeling any of those same feelings myself (which I do in some moments), I also feel a temptation to just bury my head in the sand and stop thinking about all the things that feel way too heavy for me to change.
But we worship a limitless and loving God! No need is too great for Him! If He has good things in mind for those around us, remember that we don't have to make those things happen by our own might. Our role is simply to engage the invitation that God sends our way to be involved, through His nudges.
In this co-regency God invites us into, the power comes from Him, but He does invite us to take risks to step out and engage. If you see a need around you, will you risk engaging it? Even if the solution is beyond you?
Joel VanderSchel, on Behalf of the Elder and Minister Team