I’m continually surprised by how often Jesus surprises me. Through the course of life, while reading about Him in Scripture, as others talk about Him, in prayer, in church service, while doing household chores, in the mundane and in the special. I believe Jesus is always communicating with us, trying to get our attention, inviting us to go deeper with Him, to linger, to receive correction, to be encouraged.

C.S. Lewis writes, “It is clear from many of His sayings that Our Lord had long foreseen His death. He knew what conduct such as His, in a world such as we have made of this, must inevitably lead to.” The same Jesus that strode purposefully and resolutely toward Calvary, is purposefully and resolutely working and communicating in your life. Let’s keep our eyes and ears open to Him and what He’s doing in our lives this summer!

Nik, on Behalf of the Elder and Minister Team