Hello Church,

I was at Meijer last week and I was shocked to see school supplies being set up for back to school shopping. This seems to happen every July, where I find myself feeling like “someone” is trying to steal some of my summer. I don’t like summer being cut short and with the start of school coming, I’m not sure I can avoid the barrage of school supplies showing up at the places I shop.

July does signal the school year is coming and for the last several years, New Life has looked for ways to support Scarlett Middle School as they begin their school year. As part of that, we have provided backpacks for all their students. Over the years this has proven to be an easy way we can make a tangible difference in something they needed. In talking to Scarlett this summer they let us know that their need for backpacks is changing and they have a different growing need that we can help with.  Those needs are around providing food and gifts around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. So, we will be meeting with them to see how we can support the families of Scarlett in those areas later in the year, as opposed to our normal back to school support. We will keep you updated on how you can be a part of that!

I am encouraging myself to not miss out on the rest of summer fun as I fend off the flood of school supplies and I’d encourage you likewise!

Graig Austin, on Behalf of the Elder and Minister Team