Church Fam,

We’ve had such a phenomenal kickoff to a new school year! These past two Sundays have been so full and vibrant and you all are such a huge part of that. It is evident to me that the Spirit has been moving powerfully and drawing people to Jesus and to His church. On behalf of our Elder and Minister Team, let me take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all of you. Thank you for praying, thank you for serving, thank you for inviting, thank you for chalking, thank you for welcoming newcomers, thank you for reflecting the love of the Father back to our community! I hope you can hear a well done from Him if you have not already. I’ll be looking forward to worshipping with you all again this weekend, having a ton of fun together at the Sunday Palooza, and seeing what God has in store next for our church body.

Nik Spasovski, on Behalf of the Elder and Minister Team