Hello church,

If your life is anything like mine, fall has filled up your calendar with all sorts of events. I can often be heard saying, “life is full.” 

There are a lot of elements of the fall I enjoy. I do like the college football and the work I get to do to prepare my lawn to sleep for this winter. One of my favorite things is being in the energy of a worship service after summer vacations are taken and students have returned. God’s plan is for His people to worship together and I understand that. As the auditorium fills, I am drawn into a space of worship that is different than when I worship on my own. Both have value and both bring God glory, but corporate worship is a special gift. 

So, in that theme I want to thank you. Thank you for coming, thank you for turning your hearts and eyes to God with me. It matters and I’m grateful.

As we gather for worship in the coming weeks, I’m excited for the new sermon series we are starting, looking at images in Scripture that highlight how God is our supreme provider. I’m curious how we will be drawn into deeper awe of God and His deep love for us.

I’m looking forward to all God has for our local church in the coming weeks and months!

Graig Austin, on Behalf of the Elder and Minister Team