Hello Church,
We have just finished a series in our Sunday worship services where we took a look at God’s provision for us. We considered different pictures and images we see in Scripture that display God’s care for us.
This week the picture we spent time looking at was bread. Bread is a common image used in Scripture. Jesus called Himself the “bread of life” and I was reminded of a more thorough discussion of this claim in the second episode of our “Sunday Worship Podcast.” In that episode, Jon Roe and Kyle Chase take a closer look at communion and more that is entailed in Jesus being the bread of life. I’d encourage you to check it out as it gives a more full picture to this image of bread and a more full exploration of communion and its place in our worship services.
As we continue into the fall it’s not hard to be reminded that life is full and we are people in need of God’s immense provision for us.
It’s a pleasure to worship with you all,
Graig Austin, on Behalf of the Elder and Minister Team