Dear Church,

I recently read the following quote by Eugene Peterson:

“… there is no worship where there is no mystery.”

Mystery often frightens us because it reminds us that some things are (at least for now) beyond our understanding and, consequently, beyond our control. But the mystery of God revealed in Jesus (Colossians 2:2-3) is not the sort of mystery we are ever meant to fully understand. Rather, in view of His great love for us, we are moved to surrender and to worship Him. I have often longed for clear answers to theological questions, existential questions, and circumstantial questions, but I am reminded freshly today that we do not worship a God who promises to answer all our questions. We worship a God who is Himself the answer to all our questions. May you experience the joy and mystery of His presence this day!

Pastor Kyle Chase, on Behalf of the Elder and Minister Team